I started reading Christine Holohan’s new book A Whisper from an Angel, and must admit I couldn’t read it too close to bedtime as it sent shivers down my spine! Christine previously published A Voice from the Grave with Maverick House, which recounted the story of how she assisted in the Jacqui Poole murder investigation after she was visited by the ghost of the murder victim. In this updated edition, Christine has added more details of her encounters with the angels and the afterlife. She gives an honest portrayal of how her gift has impacted on her life in both positive, negative, and at times, petrifying, ways.
Christine’s accounts of her experiences are so vivid and realistic it got me thinking about mediums and psychics and how they are perceived today. There is much scepticism surrounding this whole area, and many immediately laugh such things off as being “hocus pocus”. However, Christine clearly proves to us that she can communicate with spirits, and she left the detectives in charge of the Jacqui Pool murder investigation in no doubt as to the reality of her powers. There are many fraudsters who may fake having psychic abilities to make a quick buck, and these kinds of scams give mediums a bad reputation. However, for people like Christine whose abilities have been proven to be genuine, they can “create a bridge between heaven and earth.”
I must admit to being cynical about such things in the past, but stories like Christine’s help to open my mind to the possibility of an afterlife, and of links to it in the known world.